Welcome to I Know Watches. I’m Neil and want to first off all thank you for taking time out of your day to read this page.
My aim on this website is to provide you with the most up to date, relevant and timely (excuse the pun) information on watches out there.
I have been an avid collector of watches, since I could afford my first Omega, back in 1994. I remember the day vividly, because I had saved long and hard for that baby, and now it sits proudly on my shelf, right in the middle, where I can keep an eye on it.
Of course, since then, my collection has expanded to a few dozen watches, and my wife still doesn’t really understand why we are so passionate about them.
But, if you are anything like me, the pure craftsmanship, elegance and timelessness of them gets you every time.
Enjoy your visit to the site, and if you want to get in touch, be sure to leave a message here.